Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before 2020 Is Over!

August 28, 2020

dental insurance form on dark brown wooden table

Although the end of the year seems far away, 2020 will be drawing to a close before we know it. As the year winds down, your mind might be too preoccupied with holiday planning to realize that your dental insurance benefits are about to expire. Most insurance plans cover two routine checkups and cleanings a year. If you haven’t seen your dentist twice this year, you’re letting perfectly good coverage go to waste. Since those benefits will not roll over into 2021, it’s important to make the most out of your benefits and get the care you need to keep your smile healthy. Keep reading to learn a few important insurance tips from your dentist.

Remember Your Annual Maximum

The most important number to keep in mind when it comes to dental insurance is your annual maximum. This is the highest amount that your insurance company is willing to spend on your care during the calendar year. Usually, this amount is between $1,000 and $1,250, but it can vary.

Your annual maximum resets at the end of the year, whether you’ve used it or not. Since only about 3% of Americans reach this amount, this adds up to billions of dollars in benefits wasted every year. The key to getting the most out of your dental insurance is to attend two checkups a year.

See Your Dentist Before 2021

Most dentists recommend biannual checkups to detect oral health problems before they become serious. Yet, millions of Americans don’t make these visits nearly as often as they should. Most insurance plans cover these preventive appointments at 100%, so there’s no reason not to take advantage of that. By having your dentist examine your mouth, small issues can be treated early on, preventing costly and extensive treatment down the road.

Meet Your Deductible

Your deductible is another important number to remember. This refers to the minimum amount of money you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance company steps in and starts offering coverage. Dental deductibles are typically quite low, around $50. Once you pay it, you might as well get any needed dental treatment that you’ve been putting off, like dental crowns or root canals. That way, your insurance is at least partially paying for your care.

Are you ready to make the most of your dental insurance before 2021 rolls around? Then schedule another checkup with your dentist before the end of the year. Your mouth and your wallet will thank you!

About the Practice

Dr. Hooks welcomes you to their Altavista, VA dental practice. At Hooks Family Dentistry, we treat patients of all ages and warmly welcome you and your family to our clinic.

From dental treatments like fillings and root canals to cosmetic procedures like veneers and even preventative care like exams and cleanings, we do it all in a warm and friendly environment that will leave you smiling from ear to ear!

To schedule an appointment with our dental team, please visit our website, or call 434-215-0363 today!