Hooks Family Dentistry Blog

Experiencing Dental Anxiety? Here Are 6 Ways to Overcome It

July 2, 2021

young woman experiencing dental anxiety

Do you get queasy every time you think about seeing your dentist? You’re certainly not alone. Studies show that between 50%-80% of all Americans have some degree of dental anxiety, ranging from mild to severe. Luckily, there are several techniques to help soothe your worries. Read along for six ways you can make your next dental visit a more bearable experience.


Are Juices and Sports Drinks Causing My Child’s Cavities?

June 11, 2021

a child sitting outside and drinking a juice box

If your child is like most, they are often found running around during the summer months with a juice box or sports drink in their hand. While you might assume these beverages are completely harmless, the truth is that they are common contributors to tooth decay. If you’re wondering what the cause of your children’s cavities might be, a dentist explains why you’ll want to swap out these summertime favorites for healthier options.


Are Dental X-Rays Safe for Children?

May 2, 2021

Dental x-ray

The purpose of dental x-rays is to give dentists a better look at the inside of the mouth where they cannot see with the naked eye. By finding dental issues early, they can be treated, and patients are much more likely to make a full recovery. However, parents are often concerned about the safety of dental x-rays and how they affect their children. Read on to learn more about dental x-rays and the many benefits that they have for your kids’ oral health.


6 Vitamins and Minerals to Promote Gum Health

April 7, 2021

Healthy gums

Gum disease is easily preventable by brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once a day. However, it is still incredibly common. Approximately half of adults over the age of 30 are suffering from gum disease at one stage or another. In addition to proper oral hygiene, it is important that you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals that you need for optimal gum health. Continue reading to find out which ones you should incorporate into your diet.


Cha-Ching! Using CareCredit for Cosmetic Dental Treatment

February 22, 2021

couple out on a date after using CareCredit for cosmetic dental treatment

You’re about to reenter the dating scene again after a long time away. You know you’re a catch, but it can be difficult to convey that when people can swipe left or right in a matter of seconds. Your smile needs to make a powerful first impression, which is why you want to fix a few things before you take your profile picture.

But you don’t exactly have the funds saved up to afford the entire cost of revamping your teeth. That’s where CareCredit comes in. CareCredit is a financing company that gives you the freedom and ability to reach your smile goals. Read on to learn how you can take advantage of CareCredit for cosmetic dental treatment.


What Happens If You Put off a Root Canal?

January 21, 2021

Man needing a root canal in Altavista

We all dread the moment that we go into the dental office and are told that we are in need of a root canal in Altavista. It can induce dental anxiety in a lot of people and the thought certainly isn’t pleasant. For others, it seems to be easier to just put it off until a later date because of a busy schedule. However, avoiding a root canal can actually lead to some pretty serious consequences. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist an Altavista about why you should schedule your root canal right away.


4 Things Your Teeth Say About You

December 7, 2020

Man sitting at his desk smiling

While your body language can show your emotions, your smile can also say quite a bit about you. No matter what you tell your dentist in Altavista, your teeth will reveal whether you smoke and how often. They can also give insight into your mental health, your age and your personality type. How? Keep reading for 4 things your bite can say about you!


4 Ways to Avoid Dental Emergencies During the Holiday Season

November 8, 2020

woman brushing teeth

There are plenty of things to look forward to this holiday season. Whether you’re catching up with relatives, preparing some delicious meals, or just cozying up by the fireplace, it is a great time to be grateful for all you have. During this season, you certainly don’t want to be spending any of your time off from work getting urgent dental work done. The good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent this from occurring. An emergency dentist in Altavista shares some tips that can reduce your likelihood of having a dental emergency.


What Are the Benefits of Teeth Whitening?

October 6, 2020

Teeth whitening results

Everyone wants to feel confident about how they look, and that includes the appearance of their teeth. There are many different ways that you can enhance your smile these days, as cosmetic dentistry is a growing industry. The most common cosmetic dental procedure that is performed by dentists is teeth whitening, or teeth bleaching. With all of the benefits it provides, it’s no wonder that this treatment has become so popular. Continue reading to learn more about the pros of teeth whitening and how it works.


Don’t Forget to Schedule Your Cleaning & Checkup

September 2, 2020

Dentist holding a tooth representing dental care.Did you know your mouth is the gateway to your general health? Research shows your dental health is directly linked to your overall wellbeing, so it’s more important than ever your smile stays healthy to ensure your wellness. Your first line of defense against common oral health issues starts at home with your toothbrush and floss. Unfortunately, that’s only half the care you need. Your smile also relies on routine services for your dentist. As we approach the end of the year, now is the time to schedule your next cleaning and checkup before your dental insurance expires.