Keep Your Child’s Smile Healthy with a Dentist in Altavista

January 6, 2019

girl in dentist chair

Is there a sight happier or cuter than your child smiling? It warms your heart and makes your day. But what if something were to happen to their smile? Wouldn’t you do anything to keep it healthy? Well, as their parent, you have the ability to make sure your child learns how to maintain their oral health by bringing them to visit your children’s dentist in Altavista and implementing good oral practices.

When should I start bringing my child to the dentist?

From the time their first tooth comes in, you can bring your child to see the dentist for checkups and cleanings every six months. Even if they don’t eat solid food yet, your child can still face oral problems, like baby bottle tooth decay, from the sugars in milk. The dentist will be able to help you monitor the condition of your baby’s teeth as they come in.

As your child grows, the dentist can also track their oral development and, as their adult teeth start coming in, identify potential orthodontic issues. By addressing these issues early, you can avoid needing more extensive treatment later.

What happens at my child’s first visit?

The first dental visit is typically short and meant primarily to introduce your child to the dentist and dental environment in a non-threatening way. The dentist will examine all of their existing teeth for decay, look at their bite, and look for any potential problems with their jaw, gums, and oral tissues. The dentist may also clean your child’s teeth and give them a fluoride treatment, which will strengthen their enamel.

But the appointment isn’t just for your child. The dentist will also likely provide you, as the parent, with advice for your child’s dental care and answers to any of your questions.

What else can I do to promote my child’s oral health?

You can start promoting your child’s oral health from birth. Before they cut their first tooth, you can massage their gums with a washcloth. It will help remove the sugars and bacteria that linger in their mouth. Also, allow your child to play with a toothbrush. Through this early play, they will grow accustomed to the feeling of the bristles in their mouth and make it easier for you to brush their teeth once or twice a day without a fight.

As more teeth come in, add flossing once a day to their routine. If you find it hard to fit your fingers in their small mouths, feel free to use floss picks until your child is old enough to learn how to floss on their own. The point is to floss consistently every day to establish a healthy pattern.

Many dental offices provide dental sealants, which protect the back teeth from decay. If your older child grinds their teeth, you may want to consider getting them a night guard from the dentist as well.

You would do anything to keep your child happy and healthy, and taking them to your dentist in Altavista plays an important role in doing just that. Although your child’s teeth will change over the years, their oral health can remain strong when you follow these tips. For more details about how to care for your child’s smile, schedule an appointment with your dentist!

About the Practice

Dr. Hooks welcomes you to their Altavista, VA dental practice. At Hooks Family Dentistry, we treat patients of all ages and warmly welcome you and your family to our clinic.

From dental treatments like fillings and root canals to cosmetic procedures like veneers and even preventative care like exams and cleanings, we do it all in a warm and friendly environment that will leave you smiling from ear to ear!

To schedule an appointment with our dental team, please visit our website, or call 434-215-0363 today!